Tag Archives: Find

Dreams Have Wings

4 Jul

Star dust sprinkled on a lucky charm

A mistletoe hid a hushed gentle kiss

A shooting star swished the mysterious sky

And soon it drizzled the rain god’s grace.

The misty air saved some magic,

Just enough to keep me going.

While I rowed through the moon-lit river,

Warm calmness poured into my heart.

The narrowed stream lead me curious

Deeper into the dark night sky

I paddled through the cool, still, water

As ripples disappeared into muddy land.

This nocturnal life I would love to live,

And embrace the silence of sleeping dreams.

But dreams of mine, and dreams of yours

Need to see light, needs a new life

While cozy blankets keep them safe,

It’s the morning shine that gives them strength.

Let them out into the light

And slide along the rainbow bright.

Scatter the dream seeds into fields of faith

Watch them flourish and take flight.

Declare your dreams

To yourself, from your heart,

You will seek meaning no more,

Because your life has a dream.


What is your motivation? What is it that you really want to do in your life? Are you happy at present?

Every now and then, a self-check on our goals can turn out to be eye-openers.

One year ago, I had no idea what on earth I wanted to do with my life. I did the right things, I lived the happening life, I earned the good cash. But I wasn’t happy. I knew I hadn’t found my life’s calling. I was, lost.

Seek, and you shall find. So true. It is only once I started searching that I realized what I really wanted to do. And once I did, everything else fell into place. Those new aspirations I found- I named them Dreams.

Reminds me of something Abdul Kalam once said- “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” Just as we need food and water, we all need dreams. Dreams give you a purpose in life. They are the best navigators.

Let your dreams row your life. And I promise, you will not get lost.

